
Trademark License for Self-Storage Center

Speed-Up Your Development

Benefit from the reputation of our brand CUBE BOX, along with all its communication materials, to open and fill your center in record time.

Visual Identity & Logo
Communication Service at Your Disposal
Exterior & Interior Signage
Referenced Website
Express Setup!
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Self-Storage Center Management

Our Expertise at the Service of Your Investments

Benefiting from our CUBE BOX brand means saving time and energy, allowing you to focus on what matters most: the development of your self-storage center.

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Visual Identity
Cube Box is much more than just a logo; it’s a complete visual identity with marketing professionals at your disposal to adapt it according to your needs.
With our signage package, you’ll have carefully designed materials to meet the needs of your prospects and clients, whether it’s on the exterior facade or inside your storage center.

Trademark License

The Best Option for Your Image


Significant Entry Fees
High Monthly Royalties
Nearly Impossible to Cancel Commitment!
Limited Offered Services
Network reserved for large-scale centers
Trademark License

No Entry Fees
Established Visual Identity
Free Starter Pack (business cards, lanyards, flyers...)
Referenced Website
Online Surface Calculator
Marketing Service at Your Disposal
Constantly Evolving Marketing and Business Tools
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Long Setup Time (3 - 12 months)
High Creation Cost
Energy & Time of Implementation
Non-existent Notoriety
Recurring Maintenance Cost

All Stories Begin With a Meeting.

Let’s take a moment to discuss over coffee or video and exchange our visions of the world of self-storage units.

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